Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Truth of the Bushido Code

Many persecptions of the samurai are very warped today. Many people think of them as heroes, but they were almost the exact oppisites. Many people think that the peasants would bow out of respect, when really they bowed out of fear. To show you how cruel the samurai were i'll tell you how the tested a sword. If it took one swipe to cut a man in half it was a good sword. The Bushido Code said that you couldn't kill women and children, but they just desicided it mean they're own women and children, and they could kill others. The Bushido Code was a good moral code, but the men who followed it were corrupt and thats why there is such a warped image. Because of the good code everyone just figured that there would be good men following it.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Photobucket Album

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Intro To The Bushido Code

The Bushido Code is basicly the way of the warrior for the japanese samurai. The code strictly enforces three points, Loyalty, Devotion, and Honor to the Death. If a samurai failed to uphold his honor he could regain it by commiting Seppuku, or a ritual suicide. The Bushido code was formed after the teachings in a school of Zen Buhhdisum. The code was also a spiritual basis for the japanese kamakaze pilots in World War 2 and because of this many martial arts that had a basis in the code were banned after the war.